正规博彩十大网站排名, Local, and National Organizations

We always take great pride in supporting our military-affiliated students and veterans as they pursue their academic goals and transition into civilian life. Our campus is home to a vibrant community of organizations dedicated to serving and connecting those who have served our country. Whether you're a current student, a veteran, or a supporter of our military community, you'll find a wealth of resources, camaraderie, and opportunities to engage with like-minded individuals locally and around the nation!

Pam Younker, Air Force Chief of Staff Leaders Council and Community Relations for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta

Transitioning from a uniform to civilian attire is always a challenging endeavor, and it can be particularly daunting for Warriors without adequate support. Located in Atlanta, The Warrior Alliance is dedicated to streamlining this significant life change with a clear mission: to simplify the transition process for our Warriors. Additionally, these community organizations provide resources, offering essential care services for service members. Get support with mental health concerns, career counseling, and comprehensive rehabilitative care. 正规博彩十大网站排名 hopes that you feel empowered by a supported, enhanced lifestyle academically, professionally and personally.

National and State

Our National and State resources seek to provide care and support to those who have proudly served in our nation's military, as well as their families, caregivers, and survivors. The Veterans Crisis Line is dedicated to assisting Veterans, active-duty service members, National Guard and Reserve members, as well as those who stand alongside and support them without being enrolled in VA benefits.